We had the pleasure of attending the CSM Graphics show at the Nicholls and Clarke space in Shoreditch last night. A good range of work and some lovely photography. Highlights for me included Ali Halil, whose Childhood Memories series was brilliant - showing the confusing reality of his grandfather's dementia. I found it very moving the way he combined a childs proportions and situations with the face of an old man - it looks like his Grandfather has quite small proportions. I loved it, it stopped me in my tracks.

Also his series on office boredom and Mario out of duty - self explanatory really. Sort out your bio page though Mr Halil!

Other honourable mentions include Olga Krasanova's documentary portraits of her native Siberia which were particularly beautiful.

Cynthia Merhej

Zoe Gregory's Hunt for Happy - what it says on the tin: a scavenger hunt around London for literal and figurative 'Happy' moments...

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